The currencies of Rare Finance.
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The currencies of Rare Finance.
Last updated
RARER: 0x1078864a3B0E5843995dE00517d871d0A686380b
RARER-USDC LP Pair: 0x1fe1b2c679Dcc7b4520b8F8A2E4716896523bc72
RARER-RARE LP Pair: 0xa7BCcb35CbBf7a0B98d2968b7956837e0292c978
The RARER token is designed to be used as a medium of exchange. The built-in stability mechanism in the protocol aims to maintain the RARER peg to 1 USDC token over longevity.
Note that RARE actively pegs via the algorithm. It does not mean it will be valued at 1 USDC at all times as it is not officially collateralized.
RAREST: 0xb96566e2a82D9Cd0174f63d51FB3629D712bf6a3
RAREST-USDC LP Pair: 0xdDfb625F6A62c69cADD93e1d638295F2CDF70Ef1
The RAREST tokens are one of the ways to measure the value of the RARE protocol and shareholder trust in its ability to maintain RARER close to peg. During epoch expansions, the protocol mints RARER and distributes it proportionally to all RAREST holders who have staked their tokens in the 'Mail Room' (boardroom/masonry).
RAREST holders have voting rights (governance) on proposals to improve the protocol and future use cases within the RARE ecosystem.
RAREST has a maximum total supply of 50,000 tokens, distributed as follows:
Team Allocation: 4,000 RAREST vested linearly
Remaining 46,000 RAREST allocated for incentivizing Liquidity Providers in share pools for 7 months.
RARE: 0x428F578F88351487f3D9e5F3F39f66976e5588C2
RARE-BASED LP Pair: 0x6bEE22beD992811F51ab2D8FB1E26eE3e6266094
RARER-RARE LP Pair: 0xa7BCcb35CbBf7a0B98d2968b7956837e0292c978
The RARE token is designed to be used as a medium of exchange. The built-in stability mechanism in the protocol aims to maintain the RARE peg to 1 BASED token over longevity.
Note that RARE actively pegs via the algorithm. It does not mean it will be valued at 1 BASED at all times as it is not officially collateralized.
RSHARE: 0xB835631824ED68D84c5f41C231f3C2b6C2D709d5
RSHARE-WFTM LP Pair: 0x33dC25b73D8f38C612eD9d55B2d6cBe6f78e5f4E
The RSHARE tokens are one of the ways to measure the value of the RARE protocol and shareholder trust in its ability to maintain RARE close to peg. During epoch expansions, the protocol mints RARE and distributes it proportionally to all RSHARE holders who have staked their tokens in the 'Print Room' (boardroom/masonry).
RSHARE holders have voting rights (governance) on proposals to improve the protocol and future use cases within the RARE ecosystem.
RSHARE has a maximum total supply of 50,000 tokens, distributed as follows:
Team Allocation: 6,000 RSHARE vested linearly
Remaining 44,000 RSHARE allocated for incentivizing Liquidity Providers in share pools for ~7 months.